
Submitted by marketing on Mon, 12/03/2018 - 09:07
Hydrological forecasting and warning
Land planning and development
Country management
Research and studies
MicroStep-MIS | Flood
MicroStep-MIS | Hydrological Forecasting System
MicroStep-MIS | Slovakia - flood warnings
MicroStep-MIS | Hydrological ensemble forecast for selected river profile
MicroStep-MIS | Hydrological ensemble forecast for selected river profile
Hydrological Modeling and Forecasting
Section 1

Hydrological modeling is an effective tool for the simulation of hydrological processes with fruitful outputs in many fields. Our system is modular-based and enables the user to use one, or multiple platforms to perform the required outputs. MicroStep-MIS fulfills the above-mentioned goals by implementing various modeling tools.

  • Complex rainfall-runoff models
  • Models of parts of runoff generation process including specific snow-accumulation – snowmelt/runoff models
  • Hydrodynamic (1 - 2D) models
  • Flash – flood modeling tools

Simulations are provided in the form of studies, or in the form of the forecasting and warning system working in real-time and providing hydrological forecasts to responsible institutions, decision-makers, and the public. The forecasting and warning system uses the real-time measured and forecasted values of precipitation and temperature. Analyses of snow cover and snow-melt processes are included in our systems too.

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