
Submitted by admin on Mon, 07/23/2018 - 13:20
Maintenance free
No moving parts
Combined precipitation and wind sensor
Universal use
Serial output
MicroStep-MIS | Front view of Clima Sensor US
MicroStep-MIS | Angle view of Clima Sensor US
MicroStep-MIS | Angle view of Clima Sensor US
MicroStep-MIS | Detail of Clima Sensor US
MicroStep-MIS | Bottom view of Clima Sensor US
Clima Sensor US
Section 1

The Clima Sensor US (Ultrasonic) is the economic alternative for compact acquisition of meteorological values. The sensor works absolutely maintenance-free without movable parts such as ventilator or bearing.

It measures wind velocity, wind direction, brightness, and precipitation. The wind velocity and wind direction are measured by an ultrasonic sensor in high-precision. The precipitation and its intensity are acquired via Doppler radar. A brightness sensor is included.

An integrated GPS receiver receives automatically the current information of date and time. The measuring values are available serially RS-422 / 485 (ASCII/ MODBUS-RTU) and as analogue signals at a plug connector.


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