
Submitted by marketing on Thu, 10/04/2018 - 08:07
MicroStep-MIS | Sandstorm forecasting
MicroStep-MIS | Sandstorm from satellite
MicroStep-MIS | IMS4 Model Suite
Road Weather Modeling
Section 1

Road / runway condition model

Road / runway Condition Model is suitable for prediction of potential risk on roads or runways caused by winter conditions. Model provides nowcasting and / or short term forecasting of
road / runway condition based on radiation and heat budgets. It is very powerful tool for supporting road maintenance during winter season.

Fog prediction approaches

3D meteorological model is executed for a limited region; its outputs are converted using empirical formula into visibility. This output is combined with 1D physical radiation modeling, statistical post-processing, and Data mining to generate the Fog Prediction.

Sandstorm modeling

Sandstorm model is based on the state-of-the-art of the 3D numerical weather prediction and the model for sand uplift, dispersion and deposition.

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