
Submitted by admin on Wed, 07/25/2018 - 12:23
Easy to install and add to existing network
Friction measurement
Real-time data
Onsite calibration
Measurement of surface conditions such as wetness, ice, snow or frost
Measurement of water film height
Measurement of ice percentage in water and determination of freeze temperature
Fully integrated surface temperature measurement (pyrometer) an option
MicroStep-MIS | Non-invasive Road Sensor NIRS31
NIRS31 | Non Invasive Road Sensor
Section 1

The NIRS31 is a non-invasive road weather sensor with optical principle. It is mounted several meters above the surface at bridges or masts.

The sensor measures surface conditions such as wetness, ice, snow, or frost as well as water film heights, ice percentage in water and freeze point temperature. Through these measurements it generates the friction coefficient on the road or runway.

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