
Submitted by admin on Wed, 07/25/2018 - 12:19
Replaceable sensor / electronics
Simulation of critical surface conditions in a very near future
Low energy consumption
Mixture-independent measurement
MicroStep-MIS | Intelligent Active Road Sensor ARS31Pro
MicroStep-MIS | Intelligent Active Road Sensor ARS31Pro
ARS31Pro | Intelligent Active Road Sensor
Section 1

The active road sensor ARS31Pro detects freezing point temperatures independently from de-icing materials and has a two-part housing for easy maintenance.

The active ARS31Pro-UMB sensor is flush-mounted in the road or runway surface and measures the freezing temperature by means of active cooling and heating of the sensor surface. through this, it's independent of the de-icing material. In addition, it measures the road surface temperature. This surface temperature sensor is integrated into a second housing which is connected to the ARS31Pro-UMB. The distance between the two housings is 50 cm. One additional measurement is carried out to find out critical conditions in the next few hours. This early alert message delivers extra road surface condition information in addition to the real-time road conditions. The two-section housing design allows the combined electronics unit to be removed for maintenance purposes at any time, in just a few minutes. In conjunction with the interface converter 8160.UISO, the sensor can be built into new and existing UMB networks. The sensors are addressable and can be networked.

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