
Submitted by admin on Wed, 07/25/2018 - 11:18
Improved pressure sensor
ProLog Internal Processor
Special ice detection algorithm
SeaState 2.0 for online data collection
MicroStep-MIS | AWAC
AWAC | Acoustic Wave and Current Profiler
Section 1

The Acoustic Wave and Current profiler (AWAC) performs measurement of wave height, wave direction and the full current profile using the unique acoustic surface tracking (AST) feature.

The system can resolve waves from 1 to 100 s. AWAC provides current profiler and a wave directional system in one unit. AWAC can measure the current speed and direction in 1-meter thick layers from the bottom to the surface. Possible as powered from network also as stand-alone, as bottom moored or mounted on subsurface buoys. Wave direction is calculated by combining AST with orbital velocity measurements in an array near the surface.



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