
Submitted by admin on Wed, 07/25/2018 - 11:13
Repackaged as a single integrated unit
Reduced power consumption
Concurrent measurements
Includes 3 external temperature probes
MicroStep-MIS | Aquatrak 5000
Aquatrak 5000 | Tide Gauge Sensor
Section 1

The Aquatrak 5000 sensor calculates the true average level even in the presence of waves and surging liquid surfaces. The sensor can be configured via its communication ports for virtually any site-unique conditions. The sample rates, number of samples averaged, and data requested are selectable. Continuous measurements or exclusive data sets without outlier bias are standard operating modes.

Waves and sea state
The US NOS standard averaging algorithm is used to deter- mine the standard deviation for each data set. This value may be used in post processing to determine the average wave height during the sample period. Optionally, Aquatrak can provide specific programming for the 5000 Sensor to directly provide this information.

Unique patented means of radiometric time comparisons of sequential sonic/pressure pulses. Environmentally protected within a small diameter ranging tube. Aquatrak instruments reliably provide performance unequalled in the industry.


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