
Submitted by admin on Mon, 07/23/2018 - 13:10
The highest precision
Real-time measurement
Maintenance-free / heatable
Digital/analogue outputs and inputs
More than 70 different measurement values available
MicroStep-MIS | Front view of Ultrasonic Anemometer 3D
Ultrasonic 3D
Section 1

The Ultrasonic Anemometer 3D provides measurement of the wind direction and the wind velocity in all three dimensions. The maintenance-free and wearless anemometer needs no recalibration, and it is equipped with a heating for winter operation even under extreme conditions. Particularly suited for the use in the fields of meteorology, climatology, aviation, turbulence measurement, emmission control.

All calculations are carried out by a high-capacity digital- signal-processor (DSP) within the propagation time of the ultrasonic signals with an accuracy basis of 32 bit. The instrument offers comprehensive statistic functions such as gliding averaging, standard deviation, co-variance etc., which can be selected via the digital interface. The gliding averaging can be set optionally in vectorial or scalar form, identically or differently for each parameter.



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