
Submitted by admin on Mon, 07/23/2018 - 09:17
Forward scatter technology
ICAO compliance with CAT I, II and CAT III
Standalone system or integrated within AWOS / AWDSS
Multiple sensor interfaces (modem, fibre optic, wireless)
Real time data processing / visibility forecasts
Transmissometer, forward scatter technology or combination
RVR data on the Net
MicroStep-MIS | aircraft in fog
MicroStep-MIS | RVR screen
IMS4 RVR | Runway Visual Range System
Section 1

The IMS4 Runway Visual Range system performs the automated runway visual range assessment and reporting to the airports.

The typical set of IMS4 RVR field measurement system consists of forward scatters, background luminance sensors as well as interfaces to runway lights systems. Multiple types of sensors and communication interfaces are supported.
The data processing software enables any standard or non-standard combination of sensor positions along the runways, hot backup of the sensor values, and manual data entry. For each sensor type, the evaluation and visualization of the sensor status, as well as remote maintenance, is provided.


Unique name in URL
The IMS4 Runway Visual Range system performs the automated runway visual range assessment and reporting to the airports.
Meta description
Our Runway Visual Range System is a standalone system (or integrated with AWOS) that processes real time data, provides visibility forecasts and much more. ✅
Meta title
Runway Visual Range System | IMS4 RVR | MicroStep-MIS