
Submitted by admin on Fri, 07/20/2018 - 11:34
IMS4 web application
Visualizes both observational and forecast data
Supports standard meteorological formats
Offers a range of tools to support the operational work of weather forecasters
MicroStep-MIS | IMS4 Weather Studio
MicroStep-MIS | IMS4 Weather Studio
MicroStep-MIS | IMS4 Weather Studio
MicroStep-MIS | IMS4 Weather Studio
MicroStep-MIS | IMS4 Weather Studio
MicroStep-MIS | IMS4 Weather Studio
MicroStep-MIS | IMS4 Weather Studio
IMS4 Weather Studio
Section 1

IMS4 Weather Studio is a distinctive tool designed for processing, analyzing, and graphically presenting a wide range of forecast and observational data.

The user-friendly tool offers a convenient means for objectively analyzing and displaying complex data, including outputs from Numeric Weather Prediction models (NWPs) and objective analysis data from weather stations, radars, and satellites. IMS4 Weather Studio is suitable for use by meteorological institutions, forecasting services, crisis centers, airports, and various other users.

(Note: Contains EUMETSAT product, 2023)

Unique name in URL
IMS4 Weather Studio is a unique tool for processing, analyzing and graphic presentation of the surface and upper air meteorological, radiation and climatological data.