
Submitted by admin on Fri, 07/20/2018 - 10:29
Interfaces to the various sensors and data loggers
Quality control, verification of measured data
Real-time weather data display
Visualization of measured data
MicroStep-MIS | IMS4 Observer Workstation scheme
Manned Weather Station
Section 1

IMS4 Observer Workstation is the version of Integrated Meteorological System application software designed to interface the automatic weather station MicroStep-MIS AMS 111 model or a 3rd party data logger.

It performs continuous measurement and/or data collection from the connected automatic weather station, data processing (quality control, recalculations), and archiving. IMS4 provides the user with the real-time screen displaying the current data, as well as modules for data export into Microsoft Excel / OpenOffice. Org Calc, and for displaying the data time series in the form of charts.

Unique name in URL
IMS4 Observer Workstation is the version of Integrated Meteorological System application software designed to interface the automatic weather station MicroStep-MIS AMS 111 model or a 3rd party data logger.