
Submitted by admin on Fri, 07/20/2018 - 09:22
Corrosion free
Low power consumption
Robust construction
Easy to use
MicroStep-MIS | Mawel AWS
Marwel | Compact Automatic Weather Station
Section 1

Mobile, automatic, highly reliable, weather equipment measurement Marwel is a portable device used for hand-held, mobile, back-up, and temporary automatic weather stations.

Marwel is a complex system consisting of an anemometer, temperature and relative humidity sensor, pressure sensor, and a MicroStep-MIS data logger AMS 111 II. Marwel combines high-quality sensors for comprehensive weather measurement with the data logger into a unique system providing complex functionality in a single unit.

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Mobile, automatic, highly reliable, weather equipment measurement Marwel is a portable device used for hand-held, mobile, back-up, and temporary automatic weather stations.