
Submitted by marketing on Fri, 06/14/2024 - 09:03
Enhancing crisis management by upgrading radar technology in the Zlín Region

In Holešov, located in the Zlín Region of the Czech Republic, a major technological upgrade has taken place. We have recently installed our MMR-116 radar system, replacing the outdated MMR-50 previously utilized for crisis management purposes by the Zlín Region Crisis Directorate.

Currently, the world faces the impacts of global climate change, which negatively affects phenomena and processes in both nature and human society. One of the significant impacts of climate change is natural disasters, with floods and droughts being the most frequent occurrences in the Czech Republic in recent times. Over the last twenty years, the Czech Republic has been affected by several extensive floods caused by millennial or centennial rainfalls. Additionally, flash floods have regularly occurred during the summer and spring seasons across the Czech Republic and Slovakia, with a relatively high frequency of torrential rain in Moravia, Silesia, and the border regions of Slovakia.

To minimize damage caused by flash floods, the speed of response by citizens and responsible public administration organizations to specific threats is crucial. The timely availability of information derived from meteorological forecasts and hydrological model results can significantly influence the course and consequences of an emergency situation. Integrating existing or expanded information sources into a chain that spans from forecasting to planning activities for the protection of residents will provide an effective tool for reducing harm to lives and property. The MMR-116 radar offers superior accuracy and comprehensive weather monitoring solutions, ensuring our clients receive the highest level of service and support. With this upgrade, we are well-equipped to handle more complex meteorological challenges and provide tailored solutions that align perfectly with our client's requirements.

Notably, the MMR-50 radar, now retired, had been instrumental in various scientific endeavors in collaboration with Zlín Region and Tomas Bata University. One such project, an international scientific initiative focusing on the nowcasting of convective rainfall, exemplifies the radar's contribution to advancing meteorological research. Read more about the project HERE.

Looking ahead, we are enthusiastic about the potential for further collaboration in the fields of research and development. We aim to work closely with our clients and third-party organizations to innovate and advance our meteorological technologies. By fostering these partnerships, we hope to drive forward-thinking projects that push the boundaries of weather monitoring and prediction.

Our longstanding partnership with the Zlín Region underscores our commitment to innovation and collaboration. While the MMR-116 primarily serves crisis management needs presently, we envision its potential expansion into research activities in the future. We eagerly anticipate further opportunities to leverage this advanced radar technology for scientific exploration and discovery.

The upgraded radar system will support the operation of the FLAPRIS system, which serves as an early warning system for floods and assists local governments within the Zlín Region. Furthermore, the MMR-116 radar will enhance early warning systems against various disasters, as highlighted in the article on tornadoes in the Czech Republic.

Through this upgrade, our customers gain access to superior accuracy, higher-quality data, and enhanced resolution, empowering them with the tools they need to navigate crises effectively and advance scientific knowledge in meteorology and related fields. As we embark on this new chapter, we remain dedicated to fostering innovation and excellence in partnership with the Zlín Region and beyond.

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MicroStep-MIS | Radar technology upgrade in the Zlín Region
MicroStep-MIS | Radar technology upgrade in the Zlín Region