
Submitted by marketing on Fri, 02/25/2022 - 14:58
Results of the International Comparison of Calibration Laboratories

MicroStep-MIS' calibration laboratory participated in the interlaboratory comparison (ILC) in the field of calibration of resistance temperature sensors, organized by the Czech Metrology Institute. The comparison involved 19 calibration laboratories from 9 EU countries, including Belgium, the Netherlands, Latvia, Portugal, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, and Slovakia.

The ILC serves to verify the professional and technical competence of the laboratory and laboratory staff and is required to comply with the accreditation requirements of the ISO 17025 standard. The laboratory's task is to perform the calibration according to its standard procedures, issue a certificate with measured values and send it to the ILC organizer, who then evaluates it.

Due to the accreditation, it was important for the MicroStep-MIS laboratory to achieve an En <1 value at all calibration points. We met the condition without any problems, so we can declare that we have successfully completed the ILC. The En values of the MicroStep-MIS calibration laboratory are among the lowest of all participants. The graph shows that only two laboratories have similarly low values as our laboratory. This creates the potential to improve our declared values of uncertainty. Another positive is that all the values of the thermometer measured by us are in the uncertainty interval of the reference laboratory, which is important proof of correct and accurate measurement.

The results of the ILC have just underlined the quality work of the staff of our Calibration Laboratory.

Learn more about the Calibration Systems and Solutions from MicroStep-MIS, or use our Calibration Services. We provide the accredited calibration of atmospheric pressure, temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation (tipping bucket rain gauges, weighing rain gauges). See the accreditation scope here.

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MicroStep-MIS | Results of the International Comparison of Calibration Laboratories
MicroStep-MIS | Results of the International Comparison of Calibration Laboratories
MicroStep-MIS | Results of the International Comparison of Calibration Laboratories
MicroStep-MIS | Results of the International Comparison of Calibration Laboratories