
Submitted by marketing on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 13:59
Runway Condition Awareness and Monitoring System

We have lately reached an important milestone within the SESAR PJ-02 project (PJ.02-W2 AART, Airside, Airport, and Runway Throughput). The testing of the Runway Condition Awareness and Monitoring System (RCAMS) at the Lech Walesa Airport in Gdansk was initiated at the beginning of December 2021.

This ground-based, digital solution continuously reports on temperature, amount of water or snow on the runway, and contaminants on it. Additionally, the OBACS data from sensors located on aircraft and collecting information on the braking performance of the aircraft on the individual parts of the runway. This novel technology is being used by a few European airports only, lately installed at 6 Finish airports.

The RCAMS system shall facilitate the exchange of information between airport duty officers, air traffic controllers, pilots, and AIS (Aeronautical Information Services). Thanks to it, it will be possible to improve traffic safety during dynamically changing weather conditions above the airport. The completion of the testing period is planned for the second quarter of 2022.

The system was developed jointly by the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, the Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling of the University of Warsaw (ICM), and the MicroStep-MIS, with support of Airbus and Dassault companies.

We are proud to be part of the team developing solutions to increase airport traffic safety!

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MicroStep-MIS | Runway Condition Awareness and Monitoring System