The BTD-200 lightning warning system is a complete detection and warning system which has been developed from the Biral range of professional aviation-grade lightning detection systems. Its proven detection technology reliably detects the presence of all forms of lightning out to a range of 35 km (22 miles) from the sensor. Designed to be quickly and easily installed, it comes complete with a universal mains voltage power supply and the essential PC server application for monitoring, warning and data logging of approaching thunderstorms.
When a lightning discharge occurs there is a significant transfer of electric charge which causes a disturbance in the atmospheric electric field detectable to a distance of more than a hundred kilometers. The low frequency (<50 Hz) disturbance is detected by the BTD-200 antenna and the signal is processed to both detect and range lightning discharges. Due to the low-frequency nature of the lightning discharge signal, the BTD-200 filters out the higher frequency electromagnetic radio waves which confuse other sensors. Due to these limitations, most standalone lightning detectors employ secondary measurements such as optical flash detection in an attempt to reduce false alarms and employ complex signal analysis to estimate range. These techniques are only partially effective, giving these older technology lightning detectors a poor reputation due to their high false alarm rate, poor distance accuracy, and short working lifetimes. As virtually no manmade or natural source can disturb the Earth’s electric field in the same way as a lightning discharge, the BTD-200 has an almost zero false alarm rate.
Most importantly, the BTD-200 is able to issue warnings of potential overhead lightning before the first strike. Such early warning is not possible using radio-based detection systems.