
Submitted by marketing on Thu, 02/25/2021 - 14:48
Meteorological Technology World Expo Virtual "Live"

The first Meteorological Technology World Expo Conference for Aviation Meteorology will be held online on March 24, 2021. MTWE Virtual "Live" will provide a platform for aviation meteorologists, airline and airport operators, air navigation services, and other key stakeholders to engage with each other, speakers, and suppliers introducing and presenting the next generation of systems, solutions, and services for the aviation industry.

Join us to learn more about the very latest developments and technical solutions, and to debate future industry trends and current challenges. MicroStep-MIS got an opportunity to be one of the Silver Sponsors of the conference.

As the technological pillar of Europe’s ambitious Single European Sky initiative, SESAR is the mechanism that coordinates and concentrates all EU research and development activities with the objective to develop the new generation of Air Traffic Management.

MicroStep-MIS has participated in the program SESAR on several industrial research projects. Our focus was aimed at providing safety support tools for runway excursions, enhanced collaborative airport performance management, advanced automated aviation meteorology systems, and tools for managing and sharing trajectory data. Martin Gažák, the chief executive officer and specialist on aviation meteorology, will introduce the three deployable, ready-for-market systems we worked on lately:

Airport Runway Weather Information System
Advanced Aviation Weather Decision Support System

Camera-based Prevailing Visibility and Cloud Coverage Observation System

We look forward to connecting with you on the 24th of March!



48.158971666667, 17.053561666667
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MicroStep-MIS | Meteorological Technology World Expo Virtual "Live" 2021