
Submitted by marketing on Mon, 03/16/2020 - 13:55
Kicking off the Wave2 of SESAR projects
By the end of 2019, MicroStep-MIS completed the participation in the first wave of SESAR projects, which we had been working on for the previous three years.

At the beginning of 2020 our company initiated the preparation for a second wave of this prestigious program in cooperation with PANSA and WARSAW University.

  • Pj02-W2 AART (Airport Airside and Runway Throughput) | Solution 25 - Safety support tools for avoiding runway excursions
  • Pj04-W2 TAM (Total Airport Management) | Solution 29.2 - MET Performance Management

The Wave2 projects build on the completed first phase of the program and their aim is further enhancement and increase of maturity level of the ATM Solutions.

In Project Pj02 we deal with the integration of available data from the runway and meteorological sensors, aircraft board data and pilot reports to monitor the runway status and its short-term forecast.

In Pj04, we focus on further development of AWDSS (Aviation Weather Decision Support System), prediction of dangerous phenomena and integration of such data into operational systems in order to mitigate impacts on airport operations.

In January and February MicroStep-MIS, together with other SESAR partners, convened in Brussels to kick off the agendas of both projects for the following three years.  

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Kick off meeting participants