
Submitted by marketing on Thu, 02/21/2019 - 10:09
Sustainable Weather Solutions for Africa

Horizon 2020 is the biggest European Union research and innovation program, the objective of which is intelligent, sustainable, and inclusive growth achieved through research and innovations. The main aim is to ensure that Europe will produce top global science and technologies, which are the motivation for the growth of the economy. TWIGA (Transforming Weather Water data into value-added Information services for sustainable Growth in Africa) is one of the projects under the H2020 and thanks to the wide range of product and research portfolio, MicroStep-MIS has been invited to join and participate in the project.

TWIGA covers the complete value chain, from sensors, up to data from GEOSS and geoinformation services subordinated to court power of African market. In-situ observation in the combination with satellite observations and mathematical models shall create products consisting of maps and timelines of basic variables, such as atmospheric steam, soil humidity, or farming products. These products are produced within TWIGA or are available in information systems of GEOSS and Copernicus. Those are connected and processed with the aim to deduce active geoinformation, such as flood warnings, cropping dates, or infrastructure maintenance planning.

MicroStep-MIS' role in the project is to develop an alternative for professional weather station, customized and adaptable to local conditions, including the financial demands of the region. The plan is to implement the whole solution, including the localization of stations in local schools, by 2020. The maintenance and control of the stations after their installation shall be delegated locally, preceded by mutual agreements and trainings.

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