
Submitted by marketing on Wed, 10/03/2018 - 07:51
MicroStep-MIS | Dispersion model
Dispersion Modeling
Section 1

The IMS4 Model Suite incorporates the dispersion models for simulation of release and dispersion of pollutant (radioactive or non-radioactive) in atmosphere.


  • Short or long range atmospheric transport and diffusion
  • under changing weather conditions, wet and dry deposition
  • Radioactive decay (if applicable)
  • Continuous or Short-Term Release
  • Planetary boundary layer concepts
  • Simultaneous emission of multiple pollutant species
  • Pre-defined source terms, accident and release scenarios
  • GUI integrated decoding and visualization of meteorological data

High resolution dispersion modeling is suitable for simulation of pollutants behavior (radioactive or non-radioactive) near areas of possible dangerous leakages (factories, power stations, ship yards, oil rigs, etc.).

The Model Suite can be used for simulation of probable emergency scenarios:

  • Before an accident (emergency planning)
  • At the moment of the accident
  • After the accident
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