
Submitted by marketing on Thu, 08/30/2018 - 12:39
Integrated data buoy network for Kuwaiti waters

Environment Public Authority of Kuwait (EPA-Kuwait) is responsible for putting and applying the general policies of protecting the water, air and soil environment in Kuwait. MicroStep-MIS was contracted for design, development and commissioning of an integrated system for monitoring of Meteorological, Oceanographic and Water Quality data in near-shore and offshore regions of Kuwait.

The project consists of upgrade of the existing 5 steel buoys with completely new sensor package, data logging, power package and telemetry system and commissioning of 10 new monitoring platform based on the latest polyethylene buoys with similar sensor and monitoring package. The 15 data buoys are deployed at locations from north bordering Iraq, Kuwait Bay and the offshore regions bordering Saudi Arabia to provide a complete spatial and temporal coverage of Kuwaiti waters.

The EPA-Kuwait data buoy program is one of the largest long-term marine data collection program in the Arabian Gulf. The program incorporates some of the latest technologies in marine monitoring. The buoys were deployed in August 2016 and with scheduled preventative maintenance, the systems have fulfilled their design requirements withstanding the challenging environments. Reliable data has helped the client in making crucial policy decisions. The success of this program has brought on interest for other marine monitoring programs in the Arabian Gulf.

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Marine buoys being deployed in Kuwait