
Submitted by marketing on Thu, 08/30/2018 - 12:36
SESAR Open Day vol. I | Runway surface condition awareness

On 22 of March Poprad Airport (LZTT) hosted an Open Day for SESAR Pj03b-06 validation exercise related to runway surface condition awareness led by LPS SR and supported by MicroStep-MIS as linked third party and industry partner of LPS SR.

Besides the domestic participants from LPS SR, MicroStep-MIS, LZTT and Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, the presentation was attended by a Solution leader of SESAR Solution Pj03b-06, Patrick Boulet from DSNA (french Air Navigation Service Provider), Fabien Moll from Airbus and two representatives from PANSA (Polish Air Navigation Services Agency). After general presentation of the validation exercise by LPS SR and overall view of solution by Patrick Boulet, Fabien presented CORSAIR system, which is also part of this SESAR solution.

Finally MicroStep-MIS presented the main point of the Open Day - IMS4 ARWIS (Airport Runway Weather Information System) developed within this SESAR solution, which integrates embedded runway surface sensors and other meteorological sensors to estimate runway surface conditions in accordance with new global reporting format introducing Runway Condition Code for runway surface condition reporting. Moreover, the proposed solution came with short term forecast of runway surface condition and user-configurable operational alerts on both measured and forecast parameters.

The presentation resulted in an invitation to actively attend and present the solution also on Global Airport Safety Net Forum (being held on 4 - 5 of April in Toulouse, France) and consequently on Kick-off Meeting of EUROCAE WG-109 Runway Weather Information Systems (being held on 23 - 24 of May in Paris, France).

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Poprad airport