
Submitted by marketing on Mon, 08/27/2018 - 19:16
Calibration Systems deployed in Tajikistan and Kirghizia
We are pleased to announce that MicroStep-MIS concluded the contracts and delivered Calibration Laboratory systems for Tajikistan and Kirghizia.

Scope of the project for National Agency for Hydrometeorology of Republic of Tajikistan was a provision of a workplace for calibration of meteorological devices such as relative humidity and temperature probes, barometers, flow bubblers, ultrasonic and radar distance sensors and rain gauges. A set of portable standards for on-site measurements was a part of the project too. The laboratory for Kyrgyzhydromet covered calibration of relative humidity and temperature probes, barometers and wind sensors.

The advantage of our solutions is the automation of measurement and data processing with a single system using our software IMS4 CalibLab developed to maximize the system effectiveness. We continually work on its improvement in the conditions of our own Calibration Laboratory. In addition to the software numerous of MicroStep-MIS devices were delivered to both customers.

The projects were realized simultaneously and they have both turned out to be important and valuable references for our company. Besides the premiere for our Humiwell and Pressurewell we believe they will open us door in this area, broaden our horizons by bringing us new experience to become even more competent for providing consultancies and solutions for the similar projects.

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Humidity generator and dew point mirror