
Submitted by admin on Tue, 08/14/2018 - 12:21
First Slovak Satellite, supported by MicroStep-MIS

In January 2016, group of young and passionate technicians and scientists from SOSA - Slovak Organisation for Space Activities - announced a successful completion of skCUBE - the first Slovak satellite. 

MicroStep-MIS is very proud that one of our own employees Jaroslav Erdziak is part of the SOSA team. Jaroslav has contributed to development of our meteorological sensors and his experience allowed him to become one of skCUBE team leaders. Here in MicroStep-MIS, we are glad that we had a chance to be a partner of this unique project.

SkCUBE, the very first satellite with a Slovak flag, will reach the orbit in the first half of 2016. It will be carried by rocket Falcon 9, launching in California.

Unique name in URL
Celebratory uncovering of first Slovak Satellite skCUBE