
Submitted by admin on Mon, 08/06/2018 - 09:11
World ATM Congress, Madrid
As a part of the Single European Sky initiative, our company exploits its experience in aviation meteorology and contributes to modernization and improvement of air traffic management in Europe and beyond.

The innovations arising from the MicroStep-MIS' participation in the SESAR projects result in development of new technologies setting up the standards for aviation weather industry.

We are excited to share the latest highlights from our participation in this prestigious research program. Join us at #1221 to discuss more with our business representatives and specialists on meteorology. 

We look forward to seeing you in Madrid!

40.466463, -3.612646
Unique name in URL
Event Date
IFEMA, Madrid
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019
MicroStep-MIS stand at WATMC 2019